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        As corny as my motto is, "Saving the world one straw at a time." It is truly how each individual can become more environmentally sustainable through their own actions and skills. I work as a server at a restaurant in downtown Ogden. As a server, I see everyday, just how much is wasted. For an environmentalist, it can be disheartening and overwhelming. I overcome this by assessing how I can use my own skills to make a difference, and that's how I came up with my motto. Straws are not a necessity, so it was one way where I can personally have an impact on how much is wasted. I no longer hand straws out to guests, and I do not carry them in my apron. I only give straws if a guest requests one. (Only because I have to) I have armed my self with facts and statistics, so that I can pass the information on to others. As annoying as I am to my friends, family, and co-workers, they appreciate my passion and some of them have even started doing it too. Once I become educated about an issue, that I can personally have an impact on, I take my unique skills to do something about it. When I learned about the horrible impact straws have on our environment and animals, I had to do something, I can't unlearn the information or ignore it. The other day when a busser came running up to me all excited and he said, "Look Maddy, these straws were just sitting on a table unused, so I'm putting them back!" My heart smiled and I knew that as small as it is, what I am doing is making a difference. 

        I will keep sharing my message and trying to talk my bosses into getting rid of straws altogether, or at least only providing more environmentally sustainable ones. I am not the only one who has taken on this campaign. A group of teenagers, who are currently suing the United States government over lack of action on climate change, started the "stop sucking campaign", and there is also the "strawless in Seattle campaign". 

          I also do not purchase or use bottled waters. I carry a water bottle with me everywhere I go, and I just fill it up. Bottled waters is one the least sustainable foods, and has a horrible impact on our environment. After learning about just how bad bottled water is for our beautiful earth, I could no longer purchase or use them. I share this message with others, in hopes to inspire other people to be more aware of the impact of their everyday choices.

Environmental Sustainability

"Saving the world one straw at a time"


        I volunteer as a board member for Shannon J. Scholarship. "The mission of Shannon J. Scholarship is to assist those seeking help with their drug or alcohol addiction, but do not have the capabilities to do so." Not only does S.J.S help people by providing financial assistance for treatment, but we also work hard to change the negative stigma associated with addiction. This is a HUGE part of what we do, because the stigma is a huge barrier for those seeking recovery.

        "We have all heard the hurtful, judgmental and stereotypical names that are used to describe people who struggle with this disease. Before you judge and criticize–
This disease does not care what race, age, gender, religion or social class you were born into. It does not care if you are the Captain of the football team or the Valedictorian. It does not care if you are from the “picture perfect family” or if you grew up in foster care… This disease does not pick and choose.

The man, covered in tattoos, the “felon”…He is someone’s Brother.
The man holding the sign sitting on the corner…He is someone’s Father. 
The young man on the news that was arrested for possession… He is someone’s Son.
The woman in the obituary that overdosed… She is someone’s Mother.
The teenage girl stumbling down the street…She is someone’s Daughter.
If it was your loved one, how would you want them to be treated?

Somewhere there is a parent, a sibling, a child, or a friend who feels desperate and helpless. They are hoping that their loved one will get help. Hoping that someone will show compassion and praying that they will not get “the call” that they fear. EVERYONE HAS SOMEONE THAT CARES ABOUT THEM.

If you must hate, hate the disease but LOVE THE PERSON.  As a community have a choice, we can be a part of the problem or be a part of the solution. CHANGE BEGINS WITH US…"

        Compassion Not Crime is my message, and I utilize my unique skills and vibrant spirit to share my thoughts with anyone who will listen. Sometimes all a person needs is a little education on the subject to change their perception. 

Changing the stigma

"They are not junkies, losers, criminals, or bad people. They are our moms, dads, brothers, and sisters...they are loved"

"Compassion not Crime"

Using research to solve problems

"Research matters! Research solves problems! Research has a real world impact!"

        I have conducted several research projects during my time as an undergraduate student at Weber State University. I have developed and completed two projects on my own and two projects with the Center for Community Engaged Learning's Research Team. I have also presented these projects at different research conferences. Before I started getting involved in research I did not really understand just how important research is to everything. Research solves problems, finds answers, and can help in the development of solutions. I realized that I can take my knowledge and experience in research, utilizing the skills I have gained as I move forward towards a career in policy work. 

        The first project I completed showed me just how important research is. It also showed me how I can utilize this skill to help others. "Different groups and their standpoint regarding drug addiction", was the research study I completed. I interviewed 3 groups of people: police officers, addicts, and drug/alcohol addiction counselors. The purpose of this project was to show how different the responses would be when they were asked questions regarding their thoughts on addiction. My hypothesis was that the responses would vary based on the standpoint from where each individual views the issue the most. This is where it really started to make sense to me that sometimes it is a lack of knowledge on a subject that skews a perception, or the fact that maybe a person is only viewing the problem from one side because that is all their experience allows. 

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